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HAN Summer School

Would you like to get a more intercultural view of education, sports or social work? Do you want to know more about Dutch architecture or Dutch health care? Or learn about European business policies and practices? Attend any of the courses in this summer school. No matter what your field of study is. You gain a global perspective. Round out your education. Learn important life skills. And meet new people. In just 3 weeks!

Work Internationale Klas

The summer school in a nutshell

The HAN Summer School 2025 runs for 3 weeks. It starts on Monday 16 June and ends on Friday 4 July 2025. There are various courses to choose from in the fields of health, built environment, education, social work business, supply chain management and sport. Each course runs for 1 week. 

Your classes are from Monday to Friday. And you go on at least 1 field trip per week. The weekends are yours! Join our organized activities! Or discover Nijmegen, with its beautiful surroundings, and the Netherlands on your own. It is up to you!


Pick and choose 

Summer Courses

HAN Summer School offers a range of one-week courses in the field of health, social studies, sports, built environment, business, supply chain and education. Choose 1 course per week and put together your own custom-made Summer School program. Below you'll find some examples of the courses we have planned for 2025. Note that they are subject to change!

Sport Event Marketing: Future of the Olympics

Join this program to learn about the financial challenges and the economic and social impact of major sport events. Learn about behavioral economics and digital analytics to create new sustainable concepts for the future.

hardlopers tijdens de zevenheuvelenloop er is ingezoomd op hun voeten

The Creative Social Worker

Interested in how to use creative activities to achieve social goals? Do you want to experience that creativity can be very valuable in conversations with clients? Join us this week and you'll learn all about these two topics!

Early Childhood Education

The various principles of early childhood education are at the heart of this course. You will learn about different educational approaches and discuss dilemmas in aligning theory and practice. You will visit schools, child centers and other institutions related to the education of young children

met basisschool kinderen aan tafel tijdens de lunch

Supply Chain Management

Study the various aspects of the design and improvement of supply chains. Learn how to incorporate global, green and innovation in your supply chain strategies and the workings and achievements of the European economy. Dive into Dutch culture and history and the early connection our country has with logistics.

Logistieke hal van ROC Nijmegen

Challenges in Healthcare

Gain insight into national and international healthcare challenges. How do these challenges relate to demographic, social and technological developments? Topics covered are addiction, end-of-life care and euthanasia, mental health and intercultural communication in healthcare and well-being. How do the Dutch combine this in their society?

in gesprek met een oudere vrouw in een rolstoel

Education for All

How can we address exclusion in education because of disability, social challenges or communication issues? This course considers barriers to learning and will look at strategies to challenge these. We will consider and evaluate options for creating more empowering and more inclusive learning environments.

Sports & Talent

Students will learn about processes of talent identification and development, with special focus on motor skill development, maturation, developmental climate and use of data. Students will apply this knowledge in a general improvement plan for their own chosen sport organization, club or union.

Co-Create Urban Transition

Transforming a rural society into an urban landscape. Amazing! But highly challenging. Learn about processes of co-creation and urban development. Experience what it means to be involved in different disciplines as an interdisciplinary designer to find integrated solutions for complex environments in housing, care and welfare. Apply this knowledge

winkels in binnenstad

Sports Nutrition

How can health and sports performance be improved through nutrition? The aim of the course is to write an individual sports nutrition plan to improve your health and performance. To achieve this goal you will analyze your food intake according to current sports nutrition guidelines along with a physiological analysis of your sport. Next to that you

meisjes die met fitnessballen oefenen onder begeleiding van instructeur

Healthcare Requirements Approach

Interested in how to use healthcare technology in the complex domain of day-to-day healthcare? Want to learn more about HRA? You will work on real healthcare ‘problems’ and visit organizations who experience these problems. You're going to play (get acquainted) with technology within our iXperium Health. From robots, VR to smart apps and more!

met vr bril kijkt omhoog

Dutch Architecture meets Dutch landscaping

Dive into Dutch architecture and landscaping. After all, nobody does architecture like the Dutch! Learn about the historical connection between Dutch architecture and Dutch landscape architecture. And discover how these fields are becoming ever more intertwined in practice today

binnenstad plein bij de Waagh

Doing Business in Europe

Learn about European business policies and practices. And participate in interactive workshops on skills and personal development. Classes cover topics including business processes, budgeting and entrepreneurship. As well as personal branding, creative thinking along with Dutch culture and history.

Supply Chain Management summer school studenten presenteren hun eindproject

Arts Therapies & Psychological Coaching

Curious about applying elements of Art, Movement & Psychology in daily life? In this course you learn how to address certain issues (personal and / or social) by using psychological coaching and Arts Therapies. You will be introduced to art, drama, music and psychomotor therapy in a very practical, hands-on way. In addition, you will learn and prac

Intercultural Awareness

Learning about a culture different from your own is very empowering and enriches your live in numerous ways. Sharing across borders with fellow students from different countries will broaden your horizon and is extremely beneficial to your future career. There is a great deal that you can learn from each other, as long as you keep an open mind.

studenten overleggen met global goals

River Cities of the Future

This summer course will focus on designing and envisioning cities of the future in view of some of the grand challenges of the 21st century, including climate change and environmental degradation. Get inspired about state of the art approaches, including ‘nature based’ approaches, adaptive infrastructure asset management and the circular economy.

studenten overleggen met global goals

Social Activities

In addition to an educational program, we also offer a social activity program in and around Nijmegen. Twice a week you can join us for some fun! 

All activities are included in the fee. You can decide for yourself to what extent you want to participate in these activities.


studenten op fiets campus Nijmegen
What to expect? 

Program Summer School

Learning outcomes

By the end of the HAN Summer School you can:

  • Inform and guide individuals through their journey
  • Adapt your education to real-life situations
  • Present your ideas with confidence to a group of people
  • Communicate clearly and listen with purpose
  • Work in a multicultural, multidisciplinary group


You strengthen these competence areas during the program:

  • Intercultural collaboration
  • Management skills
  • Effective presentation skills
  • Knowledge of European/Dutch history and culture
  • Engagement skills
work International studenten rond wereldbol horizontaal
Students as partners

Dutch way of learning

The atmosphere in a Dutch classroom is quite informal and your lecturers are easy to talk to. In fact, at HAN you’re seen as a partner in the learning process. Class sizes are small and your lecturers encourage you to actively participate in class. To ask questions and give your own opinion. They also stimulate you to be creative and to discover things for yourself.

What about credits and grading?

At HAN we use the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, or ECTS. It’s the standard credit system used in higher education across Europe. How does it work? One credit = 28 hours of study. Think of contact hours. Time spent working on assignments. Preparing for exams.

One semester = 30 credits = 840 hours of study. To earn credits, you need to pass your exams. What counts as a pass? A grade of at least 5.5.

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What are the admission requirements? And how do I apply?

studenten overleggen educatie