Check travel planners and leave on time

Possible public transport strikes on 3, 5 and 7 April

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HAN Newsroom
03 April 2023
Treinspoorwijk Nijmegen. Zwaartepunt Health

ISB Students Publish their Research

Ask a student what their favorite class is, and not many will say research. Navigating the ins and outs, from defining a problem to finding a solution, takes some practice and can be a big challenge, even for professionals. But once the process is clear, diving headfirst into a topic that becomes more and more intriguing the more you learn about it can be deeply satisfying and fulfilling, something any Ph.D. can confirm.

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HAN Newsroom
22 March 2023
Twee studenten met laptop overleggen en wijst naar scherm
From students for students

Free on-campus tutoring for International School of Business students!

Since April 2022, the International School of Business (ISB) offers tutoring for students by student assistants on the HAN campus in Arnhem. The aim is to support you, the student, more and better in addition to your standard lectures.

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HAN Newsroom
20 March 2023
Studenten R31 gang
Simulating the world for 2030

An intercultural collaboration towards meeting the Sustainable Development Goals

We live in a time where the global community is confronted with different societal, environmental and economical issues. To fight the global issues of humanity, we need to change the way we think and work. Intercultural collaboration has proven itself crucial to reach the Sustainable Development Goals. This concept has been explored through a masterclass from the Master Circular Economy during the Week of Circular Economy 2023.

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HAN Newsroom
03 March 2023
two students talking to their lecturer

FoodX Visit ISB

For February 16th's Study Day, the International School of Business visited FoodX in Ede. In case you weren't there, here's what you missed.

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HAN Newsroom
27 February 2023
presentatie groente en fruit op tafel

Strikes in regional public transport 28 Feb-7 Apr

As of Tuesday 28 February, there will be more strikes in regional public transport, affecting both bus and train timetables.

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HAN Newsroom
27 February 2023
Nijmegen Centraal Station
Week of Circular Economy

Week of Circular Economy

The Week of Circular Economy set an example for how everyone is a change agent in the transition to a more sustainable future. Check out this outline of the activities of the week

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HAN Newsroom
17 February 2023
Foto voor factsheet Rense inz minor circulaire economie
Humanitarian 4L Trophy

Ambassador Morocco and Mayor Arnhem proud of international student team HAN4L

The international student team HAN4L is participating for 10 days in a humanitarian student rally with classic Renaults 4Ls whose finishing point is Marrakesh. Arnhem mayor Ahmed Marcouch is particularly proud of this student project. Full of enthusiasm, he also told Moroccan ambassador Mohamed Basri about it. He wanted to see it! Together they came to a HAN Engineering and Automotive lab in Arnhem on Friday afternoon 10 February to wave off the student team and wish them good luck!

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Erik Rijpstra
11 February 2023
Studententeam HAN4L voor het onderwijsgebouw Engineering en Automotive aan Ruitenberglaan 29
Students hbo and mbo work together

Student team Regterschot Racing turns amateur motorsport on its head!

After a healthy start-up phase, 35 HAN students are currently enthusiastically teaming up under the banner of student team Regterschot Racing. The students are from the HAN Schools of Engineering and Automotive, Business and Communication and IT & Media Design. Another special feature is that they are collaborating with MBO students from RijnIJssel and REA college. The aim: to turn amateur motorsport on its head by 2028 via a roadmap!

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HAN Newsroom
09 February 2023
Studententeam Regterschot Racing bestaat eind november 2022 al uit 35 studenten die vanuit verschillende HAN academies met elkaar samenwerken.