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Admission and Finances

Discover more about the admission requirements, application procedure and tuition fees for the HAN part-time Master in Engineering Systems.

Admission criteria

Below are the admissions criteria for the part-time Master in Engineering Systems at HAN.

A good match?

See whether the HAN Master in Engineering Systems is a good match for you. Email us to arrange a 1:1 online meeting with a staff member. You can discuss your previous education and experience and see whether the program fulfils your needs.

Apply in 7 steps

Are you ready to apply for the Master in Engineering Systems? Here we guide you through the 7 steps of the application process.

Tuition Fees

Tuition fees depend on your nationality and whether you already earned a master degree in the Netherlands. The tuition fees for the part-time Master in Engineering Systems are:

Tuition fees for Engineering Systems (all tracks) 2024-25 2025-26
Student from EU/EEA or Suriname € 2,530 € 2,601
EU/EEA student with master degree from Dutch institution € 10,270 TBA
Non-EU/EEA student € 10,270 TBA

Check out our page about tuition fees for more information. Find out more information about scholarships on this page.

Professional or academic

Benefits of a professional master

As a university of applied sciences, HAN offers professional master degrees. The content is tied closely to practice. And you can take what you learn and apply it at your workplace. That benefits you and your employer! What’s the difference between our master and a university master? Read on.

ALLEEN VOOR DE MANP | Een masterstudent met laptop bij een les onderzoek met op de achtergrond een docent van de Master Advanced Nursing Practice.

Contact us

Contact us at HAN Technical Masters.
We're happy to help with all your questions!

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday 09.00 – 17.00

Prefer calling?
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Practical information

Read more about our campus facilities, regulations, student services, books and more.

Students Noa, Chadionne, Tam, Diego, Nyugen and Andrei relaxing and drinking coffee in the Hangar on the Arnhem campus of HAN University of Applied Sciences.